Mr. Drake and his wife live a nice, quiet life on their Sussex farm, until one of their ducks lays a radioactive egg made of uranium! When the government finds out about this, the Armed Forces storm onto the farm in a frantic search for the duck responsible.
MR DRAKES DUCK Complete Movie 1951 British Comedy about a duck that lays uranium eggs MR DRAKES DUCK Complete Movie Tudorhead Loading British Comedy 1938 Watch the Whole Movie Duration Mr Drakes Duck 1951 Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Released 1951 Mr Drakes Duck stars DouglasFairbanks Jr YolandeDonlan HowardMarionCrawford The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 20 min and received a score of out of 100 on Metacritic Mr Drakes Duck 1951 IMDb Directed by Val Guest With Douglas Fairbanks Jr Yolande Donlan Jon Pertwee Wilfrid HydeWhite Mr Drake and his wife live a nice quiet life on their Sussex farm until one of their ducks lays a radioactive egg made of uranium When the government finds out about this the Armed Forces storm onto the farm in a frantic search for the duck responsible
Mister Drakes Duck 1951 directed by Val Guest Where to watch JustWatch Mister Drakes Duck 1951 Directed by Val Guest Synopsis The hilarious story of the duck that lays ATOMIC eggs Mr Drake and his wife live a nice quiet life on their Sussex farm until one of their ducks lays a radioactive egg made of uranium Watch Mr Drakes Duck Online 1951 Movie Yidio Watch Mr Drakes Duck Online Mr Drakes Duck the 1951 Movie Trailers Videos and more at Yidio Mr Drakes Duck 1951 Val Guest Synopsis After Mr Drakes Duck Douglas Fairbanks Jr dropped out of filmmaking for seven years to concentrate on TV work It isnt fair to hold this film responsible for Fairbanks defection to the small screen since Mr Drakes Duck is pretty good within its own farcical limits It all begins when Mr Drake Fairbanks of course moves himself and his new American bride Penny Yolande Donlan into Mr Drakes Duck 1951 Rotten Tomatoes In this film Mr Drake moves himself and his new American bride Penny into a British farm which he has inherited Through a misunderstanding Penny finds herself the proud possessor of 60 ducks
Mr Drakes Duck 1951 Rotten Tomatoes Movies In this film Mr Drake moves himself and his new American bride Penny into a British farm which he has inherited Through a misunderstanding Penny finds herself the proud possessor of 60 ducks Mister Drakes Duck 1951 Rare Movie Collector aka Mr Drakes Duck Mr Drake and his wife live a nice quiet life on their Sussex England farm until one of their ducks lays a radioactive egg made of uranium When the government finds out about this the armed forces storm onto the farm in a frantic search for the duck responsible Stars Douglas Fairbanks Jr Yolande Donlan and Jon Mr Drakes Duck 1951 Val Guest Related AllMovie Find similar and related movies for Mr Drakes Duck 1951 Val Guest on AllMovie Mister Drakes Duck Wikipedia Mr Drakes Duck is a 1951 British science fiction comedy film directed by Val Guest and starring Douglas Fairbanks Jr Yolande Donlan Jon Pertwee Wilfrid HydeWhite and Reginald BeckwithThe screenplay concerns Mr Drake a farmer who discovers that his hens have started laying radioactive eggs
Watch Mr Drakes Duck online BFI Player The Drakes dream of making an old Sussex farm successful comes to a halt after one of their ducks lays a radioactive egg Mr Drakes Duck Shaun the Sheep Movie Shaun the Sheep Movie Animation amp Artists Moving Image 2014 85 mins Director Mister Drakes Duck 1951 Watch on Epix or Streaming Mr Drake and his wife live a nice quiet life on their Sussex farm until one of their ducks lays a radioactive egg made of uranium When the government finds out about this the Armed Forces storm onto the farm in a frantic search for the duck responsibleMister Drakes Duck featuring Douglas Fairbanks Jr and Yolande Donlan is streaming via tv everywhere with Epix Mr Drakes Duck 1951 Trailers and Clips Moviefone Watch Mr Drakes Duck trailers and video including teasers extended looks exclusive clips footage sneak peeks interviews and more on Moviefone Watch Free Online Movies with English Subtitles Yomovies Watch free online movies with English subtitles at Yomoviesclub Visit us and enjoy your desired movies in few simple clicks without SignUp