A former pilot suffering from blackouts discovers that a fellow flyer is suspected of being mixed up with a web of smugglers. While searching for his missing buddy, he unwittingly becomes entangled in a morass of suspicion.
Dead on Course 1952 IMDb Directed by Terence Fisher With Zachary Scott Robert Beatty Naomi Chance Kay Kendall When his girlfriends brothers cargo plane is lost at sea nagging questions arise and pilot Richard Van Ness gets caught in a web of blackmail and smuggling Wings of Danger 1952 Terence Fisher Synopsis Wings of Danger was originally released in England as Dead on CourseThis early Hammer Studios effort stars Zachary Scott as an airline pilot named Van When Vans pal Nick Talbot Robert Beatty is strongarmed into aiding a gang of smugglers its time to take decisive actionAdventurefilm veteran John Gilling adapted the screenplay from a novel by Elleston Trevor Wings of Danger 1952 Movie Moviefone Streaming amp DVD Movies Showtimes amp Tickets Videos News Wings of Danger 1952 An airline pilot Zachary Scott frees his buddy from the grip of a smuggling ring Release Date 1952
Wings of Danger 1952 directed by Terence Fisher Wings of Danger 1952 Directed by Terence Fisher Synopsis COUNTERFEIT CARGO a fortune in loot Need to watch this one again cuz I wasnt paying close attention and in hindsight it seemed pretty solid These are the films Ive amassed in my hoardinglevels of collecting movies As I watch them Wings of Danger 1952 Terence Fisher Related AllMovie Find similar and related movies for Wings of Danger 1952 Terence Fisher on AllMovie WINGS OF DANGER MOVIECOVERS wings of danger 1952 Résumé Un pilote davion découvre que son ami est forcé par chantage de transporter illégalement de lor et de la fausse monnaie dAngleterre vers le continent Wings of Danger aka Dead on Course Promo Wings of Danger aka Dead on Course Promo VCIClassicMovies Want to watch this again later music excerpts from Wings of Danger 1952 Duration 422 James Stuart 522 views
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Wings of Danger 1952 MovieMeternl Wings of Danger 1952 mijn stem 225 2 2 stemmen Verenigd Koninkrijk Drama Misdaad 73 minuten geregisseerd door Terence Fisher met Zachary Scott Robert Beatty en Naomi Chance Richard van Ness een expiloot die lijdt aan blackouts ontdekt dat zijn vriend Nick Talbot ervan Wings of Danger 1952 Overview TCM Overview of Wings of Danger 1952 directed by Terence Fisher with Zachary Scott Robert Beatty Naomi Chance at Turner Classic Movies Wings of Danger 1952 Original Print Info TCM Get info about the original print of Wings of Danger 1952 directed by Terence Fisher with Zachary Scott Robert Beatty Naomi Chance Wings of Danger 1952 Trailers and Clips Moviefone Streaming amp DVD Movies Showtimes amp Tickets Videos News Wings of Danger 1952 Trailers and Clips An airline pilot Zachary Scott frees his buddy from the grip of a smuggling ring