When a small research plane carrying a group of science students and their professor crash-lands in the middle of nowhere, the survivors go to a nearby farmhouse to look for help but soon find themselves besieged by giant mutant spiders.
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HiMoviesto Watch Movies Online Stream Tv Shows online Free HiMoviesto is a Free Movies streaming site with zero ads We let you watch movies online without having to register or paying with over 10000 movies and TVSeries Arachnia Video 2003 IMDb Directed by Brett Piper With Rob Monkiewicz Irene Joseph David Bunce Bevin McGraw When a small research plane carrying a group of science students and their professor crashlands in the middle of nowhere the survivors go to a nearby farmhouse to look for help but soon find themselves besieged by giant mutant spiders Arachnia 2003 Horror Movie HMCrave Arachnia 2003 Movie Details Directors Brett Piper Cast Christopher Thompson Sean OBrien Alexxus Young Rob Monkiewicz Irene Joseph David Bunce Bevin McGraw James Aspden Dan Merriman Fred La Torella Dan Mazur Ben Kahn Will Toto James Robillard Scott Jensen Jonathan Charles Joshua Lutes Amazon Watch Arachnia Prime Video Arachnia 53 IMDb 34 1h 27min 2003 R Watch for 000 with Prime Watch with Prime Start your 30day free trial Rent SD 099 Buy SD 299 Add to which makes no sense to kill the bugs The ending allows for a sequel It is an interesting movie but some of the characters are so annoying one has difficulty liking it