CONFESSIONS OF A SUPERHERO is a feature length documentary chronicling the lives of three mortal men and one woman who make their living working as superhero characters on the sidewalks of Hollywood Boulevard. This deeply personal view into their daily routines reveals their hardships, and triumphs, as they pursue and achieve their own kind of fame. The Hulk sold his Super Nintendo for a bus ticket to LA; Wonder Woman was a mid-western homecoming queen; Batman struggles with his anger, while Superman’s psyche is consumed by the Man of Steel. Although the Walk of Fame is right beneath their feet, their own paths to stardom prove to be a long, hard climbs.
Confessions of a Superhero Stream and Watch Online Released November 2nd 2007 Confessions of a Superhero stars The R movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 32 min and received a score of out of 100 on Metacritic which put together reviews from Watch Confessions of a Superhero2007 online free Spoilerplot Confessions of a Superhero 2007 This documentary film follows the work lives and dreams of four performers that dress like comic book heroes to be photographed with Hollywoods touristsSpecial Stars Christopher Dennis Maxwell Allen Jennifer Wenger Joe McQueenTheme Living the dream is sometimes a bad nightmare if no Confessions of a Superhero Xfinity Stream Confessions of a Superhero Matthew Ogens Jamie Patricof 2007 Filmmaker Matthew Ogens documents the lives of four street performers in Hollywood more By activating you agree that you want to enable cloud technology to access your Xfinity Stream subscription on additional supported devices like computers and tablets
Confessions of a Superhero 2007 FilmAffinity Confessions of a Superhero es un documental dirigido por Matthew Ogens Año 2007 Título original Confessions of a Superhero Sinopsis Documental que pretende mostrar el lado humano de las personas que por necesidad o soñando con la fama se ponen un traje de superhéroe y salen a recorrer las aceras del Hollywood Boulevard CONFESSIONS OF A SUPERHERO 2007 Film en Français Regarder Confessions of a Superhero 2007 Toutes les infos sur le film complet Confessions of a Superhero en français streaming gratuit soustitres et audio dorigine Confessions of a Superhero 2007 Where to Watch Online CONFESSIONS OF A SUPERHERO is a feature length documentary chronicling the lives of three mortal men and one woman who make their living working as superhero characters on the sidewalks of Hollywood Boulevard This deeply personal view into their daily routines reveals their hardships and triumphs as they pursue and achieve their own kind of fame The Hulk sold his Super Nintendo for a bus Confessions of a Superhero 2007 Movie Moviefone CONFESSIONS OF A SUPERHERO is a feature length documentary chronicling the lives of three mortal men and one woman who make their living working as superhero characters on the sidewalks of
Watch Confessions of a Superhero 2 Full Movie Free Online Confessions of a Superhero 2007 1 hr 33 min R Documentary Meet the working men and women behind the costumes of the superhero characters they play on the sidewalks of Hollywood Boulevard DIRECTOR Matthew Ogens STARRING Christopher Dennis Jennifer Wenger Maxwell Allen Confessions of a Superhero Full Movie YouTube CONFESSIONS OF A SUPERHERO is a feature length documentary chronicling the lives of three mortal men and one woman who make their living working as superhero characters on the sidewalks of Watch Confessions of a Superhero Online 2007 Movie Yidio Watch Confessions of a Superhero Online Confessions of a Superhero the 2007 Movie Trailers Videos and more at Yidio Watch Confessions of a Super Hero Prime Video Confessions of a Superhero is a feature length documentary that chronicles the lives of three mortal men and one mortal woman who make their living working as superhero characters on Hollywood Boulevard Skip to main content Try Prime Prime Video Go
Confessions of a Superhero 2007 Rotten Tomatoes Fun to watch primarily because when not waiting tables auditioning or appearing in a movies mob scene these actors actually spend most of their time in superhero costumes not on stage but on Confessions of a Superhero 2007 IMDb Directed by Matthew Ogens With Christopher Lloyd Dennis Maxwell Allen Jennifer Wenger Joe McQueen Chronicles the lives of four mortal men and women who work as characters on the sidewalks of Hollywood Boulevard Confessions of a Superhero 2007 News IMDb That would be Christopher Dennis one of the compelling subjects from Matthew Ogenss disarmingly thoughtful 2007 documentary Confessions of a Superhero which I reviewed here Like the rest of the people in the movie Dennis is a struggling actor who dons a superhero contest and poses for photos with tourists nudging them for tips HD Stream Confessions of a Superhero 2007 stream Kostenlos sehen Confessions of a Superhero 2007 stream deutsch StreamKiste Live Confessions of a Superhero 2007 kinokiste Confessions of a Superhero 2007 stream deutsch kkiste Confessions of a Superhero 2007 ganzer film deutsch HD streamkiste online anschauen