John Woo's "The Killer" meets Shakespeare's MacBeth in this gun barrel, hip-hop drama seen through African eyes. "Bloody Streetz" is the story of what happens when a ruthless killer for hire runs up against an African spirit and is forced to learn the errors of his ways.
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Bloody Streetz 2002 Movie Moviefone Streaming amp DVD Movies Showtimes amp Tickets Videos News Bloody Streetz 2002 A hired killer embarks on a quest for vengeance after his son is murdered but an African spirit forces him to confront Bloody Crisis 2002 IMDb Directed by Gerald Barclay With Gano Grills Kalimi Baxter Jamel Scott Olatunde Olusei After his son is killed in a driveby shooting Black lives for revenge He surges through a wave of violence but an unexpected love compels his heart to view other ways Will he be able to escape the blood on his hands and start fresh Ver Pelicula Bloody Streetz en Español Gratis 2002 Ver Pelicula Bloody Streetz en Español Gratis 2002 Admin 20170330T0244000700 50 stars based on 35 reviews Bloody Streetz 2002 Película Completa Ver o descargar Calidad AVCHD 1080p BRRip Tamaño 557 MegaByte Bloody Streetz Gerald Barclay Data Corrections AllMovie Bloody Streetz 2002 Directed by Gerald Barclay Genres Crime SubGenres Crime Drama Urban Drama Run Time 96 min
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Bloody Streetz 2002 Trailers and Clips Moviefone Bloody Streetz 2002 Trailers and Clips A hired killer embarks on a quest for vengeance after his son is murdered but an African spirit forces him to confront his violent past see full movie info Bloody Streetz Xfinity Stream Bloody Streetz Gano Grills Kalimi Baxter Olatunde Olusei 2002 By activating you agree that you want to enable cloud technology to access your Xfinity Stream subscription on additional supported devices like computers and tablets as well as the TV connected to your settop DVR via Comcasts network Bloody Streetz 2002 directed by Gerald K Barclay Where to watch Trailer JustWatch Bloody Streetz 2002 Directed by Gerald K Barclay Synopsis Welcome To The Streetz John Woos The Killer meets Shakespeares MacBeth in this gun barrel hiphop drama seen through African eyes Full HD Movie For Free Run with the Hunted 2019 film 1 month ago Storyline Oscar a young boy defends his best friend Loux and kills her abusive father in the process forcing him to run away from his rural hometown