A young single mother of four living in a small Texas town. Arrested during a drug raid and accused of a crime she didn't commit, Dee goes against the wishes of her mother, Alma, and rejects the plea-bargain that would free her from jail, but brand her as a felon for life. As word begins to spread that similar incidents are occurring in poor communities all across the country, Dee realizes that there are more mothers out there like her, and decides to take a stand against powerful district attorney Calvin Beckett. Now, despite being well aware of District Attorney Beckett's fierce reputation, Dee enlists the aid of ACLU attorney David Cohen and former narcotics officer Sam Conroy in overcoming the seemingly insurmountable obstacles that, if not navigated with the greatest of caution, now threaten to destroy her life. With the custody of her children on the line, one brave mother wages a valiant battle to strike at the very heart of the corrupt Texas justice system.
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American Violet 2008 The Movie Database TMDb A young single mother of four living in a small Texas town Arrested during a drug raid and accused of a crime she didnt commit Dee goes against the wishes of her mother Alma and rejects the pleabargain that would free her from jail but brand her as a felon for life As word begins to spread that similar incidents are occurring in poor communities all across the country Dee realizes American Violet 2008 FilmAffinity American Violet es una película dirigida por Tim Disney con Nicole Beharie Will Patton Alfre Woodard Michael OKeefe Año 2008 Título original American Violet Sinopsis Dee Roberts Nicole Beharie es una madre soltera afroamericana de 24 años que vive en una pequeña comunidad de Texas Para Dee resulta difícil llegar a fin de mes y mantener a sus hijos American Violet Wikipedia American Violet holds a 75 rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 59 reviews with an average rating of 66910 Clay Kane said that American Violet is the first mustsee film for AfricanAmericans in 2009 Dr Joy Browne of WOR Radio reviewed the film calling it A gem American Violet 2008 IMDb Directed by Tim Disney With Nicole Beharie Will Patton Alfre Woodard Tim Blake Nelson A single mother struggles to clear her name after being wrongly accused and arrested for dealing drugs in an impoverished town in Texas
American Violet Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Released August 29th 2008 American Violet stars Nicole Beharie Tim Blake Nelson Will Patton Michael OKeefe The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 43 min and received a score of out of 100 American Violet 2008 Movie Moviefone Streaming amp DVD Movies Showtimes amp Tickets Videos News American Violet 2008 TMDb Score 71 Stream amp Watch Online Powered by JustWatch From 399 From Gostream Movies Watch Movies and TV Shows for Free The Gostream Movie Site The Best Gostream Movies and TV Shows Collection to Watch Now You can watch movies for free here without any regsitration watch movies movies online free anywhere and any devices American Violet 2008 Stream Complet VF Rappelezvous toujours de ne pas faire confiance à lavis de American Violet 2008 sur lInternet parce que les auteurs payés pour écrire un commentaire Vous pouvez écrire American Violet 2008 est un bon film mais il peut révéler American Violet 2008 est un mauvais film
Watch American Violet 2008 Movie Online Full Movie Find Where to Watch American Violet and Many More FullLength Movies From The Best Streaming Services Online Watch American Violet 2008 Movie Online Full Movie Streaming MSN msn back to American Violet Film 2008 Moviepilot American Violet ist ein Gerechtigkeitsdrama aus dem Jahr 2008 von Tim Disney mit Nicole Beharie Will Patton und Alfre Woodard Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu American Violet Watch American Violet 2008 on Flixtorto American Violet 2008 A young single mother of four living in a small Texas town Arrested during a drug raid and accused of a crime she didnt commit Dee goes against the wishes of her mother Alma and rejects the pleabargain that would free her from jail but brand her as a felon for life As word begins to spread that similar incidents are occurring in poor communities all across the Amazon Watch American Violet Prime Video When I heard about this film months ago I believe it only played in select theaters so I didnt get to see it I was glad to come across it on dvd Like most movies dealing with racial discrimination parts of this movie irritated me but I did like American Violet After what they did to me mama they made it my business I liked that line