Monsieur Fantômas is very rich in terms of surrealist images― e.g. three mysterious masked men cycling across the beach in slow motion, Inspector Juve’s assistants breaking down a door in the middle of the sand with the help of a gigantic key used as a battering ram, the two lovers' romantic and rather gripping walk along the seaside (he is masked, while she is wearing a nun’s wimple and a swimming suit) hand in hand... But one image stands out from all the rest: the sequence in which Fantômas is surrounded by police.
Monsieur Fantômas 1937 video dailymotion Entre les deux Louis Feuillade amp De Funeste ahah en attendant la version que promet de produire Thomas Langmann une satire surréaliste filmique du génie du crime le maître de tout et de tous par lécrivain et cinéaste belge Ernst Moerman 18971944 Pour lanecdote ragot le rôlephare de ce courtmétrage est interprété par JeanMichel Smet qui nest autre que Fantomas streaming vf 1964 Regarder Fantomas en streaming vf complet 100 gratuit et facile a regarder film de Jean Marais Louis De Funès Mylène Demongeot synopsis Un personnage mystérieux commet des vols et Fantomas 1964 Part 01 Dailymotion Video Fantomas 1964 Part 01
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Fantômas 1964 Rotten Tomatoes This movie is the first in a trilogy that parodied the popular silent Fantomas serials of director Louis Feuillade which followed the adventures of the titular master criminal created by writers Fantômas 1964 watch online in best quality This movie is the first in a trilogy that parodied the popular silent Fantomas serials of director Louis Feuillade which followed the adventures of the titular master criminal created by writers Pierre Souvestre and Marcel Allain After a daring jewelry heist signed Fantomas police commissioner Juve Louis de Funès goes on national television claiming that Fantomas doesnt exist and that Mr Fantômas 1937 directed by Ernst Moerman Reviews Mr Fantômas 1937 Monsieur Fantômas That being said worth a watch for that one shot remaking the original novels famous cover thats the shit I live for in pulp cinema Review by Lencho of the Apes Even the unknownforgotten Surrealists bought into that dismembered womanobject trope andor serial murder fetish Putlocker Watch Movies Online Free Putlockers Putlocker watch all your favorite movies and tv series with a simple click Putlocker is the 1 streaming website in the world Watch movies on Putlocker