The colonisation of space began in 1986 and now, fifty years on, the moon is frontier territory. The prospectors, the drillers, the exploiters and the exploited all surviving in this alien environment. The prospects for lucrative rewards exist but the premium paid for potential gain is often the ultimate sacrifice- life.
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Moon Zero Two 1969 The Movie Database TMDb The colonisation of space began in 1986 and now fifty years on the moon is frontier territory The prospectors the drillers the exploiters and the exploited all surviving in this alien environment The prospects for lucrative rewards exist but the premium paid for potential gain is often the ultimate sacrifice life Moon Zero Two 1969 IMDb Directed by Roy Ward Baker With James Olson Catherine Schell Warren Mitchell Adrienne Corri A space salvage expert and his partner become involved with a group of criminals intent on hijacking a small asteroid made of sapphire and crashing it into the moon for later recovery The only place that they can bring the asteroid down without drawing attention to themselves is a far side mining Moon Zero Two Wikipedia Moon Zero Two is a 1969 British science fiction film from Hammer Films produced by Michael Carreras directed by Roy Ward Baker that stars James Olson Catherine Schell Warren Mitchell and Adrienne Corri Moon Zero Two was filmed at the ABPC Elstree Studios in Hertfordshire EnglandThe screenplay was by Michael Carreras from an original story by Gavin Lyall Frank Hardman and Martin FMovies Watch Free Movies Online on FMovies Full In such a scenario streaming movies online is left as an option as it helps you not only save time and money but also make things convenient Imagine life when you get to watch movies at your fingertips and for free Welcome to FMovies What is the best movie streaming sites
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