Wada (Masahiro Motoki), a salary man, is enlisted to venture off to China to investigate a potential Jade mine. After his arrival, Wada encounters a violent, yet sentimental, yakuza (Renji Ishibashi), who takes the liberty of joining his adventure through China. Led on their long and disastrous journey to the mine by Shen, the three men come across something even more magical and enticing...
The Bird People in China 1998 directed by Takashi Miike The Bird People in China has some Herzog and some Kitano vibes Its not as good as the work of those master directors but Miike still expresses his talent Ive now enjoyed all three films Ive seen by him so have a lot to look forward to if the remainder of his gigantic filmography is consistent Bird people in China 1998 Chûgoku no chôjin Film Streaming Année de production 1998 Titre original Chûgoku no chôjin Tags Regarder film complet Bird people in China 1998 en streaming vf et fullstream vk Bird people in China VK streaming Bird people in China 1998 film gratuit en très Bonne Qualité vidéo 720p son de meilleur qualité également voir tout les derniers filmze sur cette plateforme en full HD The Bird People in China 1998 ταινία online ελληνικους tainia The Bird People in China 1998 online greek subs ταινιες ελληνικους υποτιτλους ταινιομανια
The Bird People in China trailer 1998 Japanese adventure movie directed by Close This video is unavailable Watch Queue Queue Watch Find out why Close The Bird People in China trailer 1998 okaime Loading The Bird People in China 1998 Takashi Miike Synopsis Find trailers reviews synopsis awards and cast information for The Bird People in China 1998 Takashi Miike on AllMovie One of Japans hottest young directors Takashi The Bird People in China Best Movies by Farr The Bird People in China Whats it About Assigned to investigate a potentially lucrative jade deposit in the deepest reaches of interior China Tokyo salary man Wada Motoki travels to Yunan province with a nasty violent yakuza boss Ujiie Ishibashi in tow The Bird People in China 1998 Movie Moviefone Streaming amp DVD Movies Showtimes amp Tickets Videos News The Bird People in China 1998 A salary man and a yakuza are sent to a Chinese village Release Date 1998 DVD Release Date November 16th
The Bird People in China 1998 directed by Takashi Miike The Bird People in China is really good I dont have a lot of strong thoughts about the film but I thought it was quite funny at times and enjoyed the filmmaking I thought that the voiceover narration was done with great heartwarming effect This is my first film by Miike dont know anything about him really The Bird People in China Wikipedia The Bird People in China 中国の鳥人 Chūgoku no chōjin is a 1998 Japanese fantasy comedydrama film directed by Takashi Miike from a screenplay by his frequent collaborator Masa NakamuraThe film is considerably more mellow in tone compared to some of the directors more famous works The Bird People in China 1998 IMDb Directed by Takashi Miike With Masahiro Motoki Renji Ishibashi Mako Michiko Kichise A salaryman and yakuza are each sent by their bosses to a remote Chinese village but discover more then they expected The Bird People in China 1998 FilmAffinity The Bird People in China es una película dirigida por Takashi Miike con Masahiro Motoki Renji Ishibashi Mako Yuichi Minato Año 1998 Título original Chûgoku no chôjin The Bird People in China Sinopsis Dos japoneses son enviados por motivos laborales uno es un empresario en busca de piedras preciosas y otro es un yakuza al que ordenan que vigile al otro a un remoto pueblo
The Bird People in China Film 1998 Moviepilot Die besten StreamingTipps gibts im MoviepilotPodcast The Bird People in China ist ein Drama aus dem Jahr 1998 von Takashi Miike mit The Bird People in China trailer 1998 News The Bird People in China 1998 Stream Deutsch HD Filme The Bird People in China 1998 Online Stream Deutsch Der junge Geschäftsmann Wada Masahiro Motoki wird von seiner Firma nach China geschickt um eine lukrative Jademine auszubeuten Kaum angekommen macht der pedantische Yuppie Wada die schmerzhafte Bekanntschaft des fluchenden Yakuzas Ujiie der behauptet Wadas Firma schulde ihm Geld Film Review The Bird People in China 1998 by Takashi Miike Director Takashi Miike is a machine Besides The Bird People in China he released three other movies in that year His oeuvre includes more than 100 films and he is not willing to retire yet Because of this a lot of movies suffer a lack of decency Quantity instead of Quality The Bird People in China 1998 Streaming ITA Diarilapuk Guardare The Bird People in China Streaming ITA BAxecSenseac è il più bello mercato di partita in Georgia Comunità può trovare film e cinema sul tuo taccuino Serviamo in giro 8451 pellicola dal 1946 al 2005 favoloso e 100 gratis o espiazione tutti ammessi a mirare i The Bird People in China film in server veloce gratis