A documentary on China, concentrating mainly on the faces of the people, filmed in the areas they were allowed to visit. The 220 minute version consists of three parts. The first part, taken around Beijing, includes a cotton factory, older sections of the city, and a clinic where a Cesarean operation is performed, using acupuncture. The middle part visits the Red Flag canal and a collective farm in Henan, as well as the old city of Suzhou. The final part shows the port and industries of Shanghai, and ends with a stage presentation by Chinese acrobats.
Chung Kuo Cina 1972 Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Released 1972 Chung Kuo Cina stars Michelangelo Antonioni The movie has a runtime of about 2 hr 14 min and received a score of out of 100 on Metacritic which put together reviews from 1972 Michelangelo Antonioni Chung Kuo Cina Part 1 with English Spanish Sub 15 A documentary on China 1972 Michelangelo Antonioni Chung Kuo The movie was finally shown at Beijings Cinema Institute 30 years later Sub of narration only Chung Kuo Cina 1972 IMDb Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni With Giuseppe Rinaldi A documentary on China concentrating mainly on the faces of the people filmed in the areas they were allowed to visit The 220 minute version consists of three parts The first part taken around Beijing includes a cotton factory older sections of the city and a clinic where a Cesarean operation is performed using acupuncture
Chung Kuo Cina 1972 Part 1 English subtitles A documentary on China concentrating mainly on the faces of the people filmed in the areas they were allowed to visit The 220 minute version consists of three parts The first part taken Chung Kuo Cina 1972 Movie Moviefone Streaming amp DVD Movies Showtimes amp Tickets Videos News Chung Kuo Cina 1972 Filmmaker Michelangelo Antonioni spotlights the people sites industries and arts of China Télécharger Chung Kuo China Film Complet en Français VF Chung Kuo China full Movie Watch Online Chung Kuo China full English Full Movie Underwater full Full Movie Chung Kuo China full Full Movie Streaming Chung Kuo China Full Movie EngSub Watch Chung Kuo 1972 Michelangelo Antonioni Synopsis Find trailers reviews synopsis awards and cast information for Chung Kuo 1972 Michelangelo Antonioni on AllMovie In 1970 Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni
1972 Michelangelo Antonioni Chung Kuo Cina Part 3 with English Spanish Sub 14 1972 Michelangelo Antonioni Chung Kuo Michelangelo Antonioni was invited by the Peoples Republic of China to direct a documentary about New China The movie was finally shown at Chung Kuo Cina part two 1972 AdShare for a Third Party on behalf of China Media Ventures AdShare Publishing BMG Rights Management US LLC BMI Broadcast Music Inc and 1 Music Rights Societies Show more Show less Chung Kuo revisited how Antonionis 1972 documentary on Chung Kuo revisited how Antonionis 1972 documentary on communist China was unfairly attacked and finally vindicated Chung Kuo Cina 1972 Rotten Tomatoes Streaming Movies TV Shows As a series of images of China during this period Chung Kuo is an invaluable document 20 Movies To Watch If You Loved Inception
UWatchFree Watch Movies and TVSeries Online Free Watch movies online on uwatchfree Download your favorite movies and tvseries in HD without registration Watch the latest uwatchfreemovies online Chung Kuo Cina 1972 Chung Kuo Cina 1972 User In 1972 when the Peoples Republic of Chinas Cultural Revolution was in full swing chairman Mao Zedong invited director Michelangelo Antonioni to the country to make a documentary on New China Eager to document what was then very much a closed country Antonioni accepted an eight week visit in which he would tour through Beijing Nanjing and Shanghai Amazon Chung Kuo China Mr Bongo Films 1972 DVD He intended solely to present a large collection of facesgesturescustomsThis is a time capsule of an unknown China in the early 70s released into the West by a great master of filmChung Kuo Cina was condemned by the Chinese as antiChinese imperialistic slander for not showing off the great achievements of the Cultural Revolution leading to a 32 year banThis 208 minute version consists Chung Kuo Cina 1972 Trailers and Clips Moviefone Watch Chung Kuo Cina trailers and video including teasers extended looks exclusive clips footage sneak peeks interviews and more on Moviefone