Venice: The bodies of a married couple, Flavia and Fabio, are discovered on the dockside. She has drowned and he has been stabbed to death with a large pair of scissors. Marzia, Flavia's best friend, is questioned by the police and a chain of slaying is set in motion. The victims include a prostitute who is stabbed in the crotch; Marzia's lover, who is shot in the kneecaps before being doused in petrol and set alight; and Marzia herself, tied to a kitchen table and dismembered, before being stuffed in a fridge. Meanwhile, extended flashbacks reveal that Fabio gained perverse pleasure from forcing his young wife to take part in degrading sexual acts...
Giallo in Venice 1979 SpookyFlix Giallo in Venice 1979 By SpookyFlix Admin August 3 2019 1006 pm April 20 2020 drugs erotic giallo gore Only premium users can streamwatch the films online Approx 1611 movies documentaries and TV shows Categories Giallo a Venezia 1979 IMDb Directed by Mario Landi With Leonora Fani Jeff Blynn Gianni Dei Michele Renzullo In Venice a detective is on the trail of a killer who commits a double murder a married couple then more grisly killings occur Sex drugs gore and perversions are ingredients of this sadistic and sleazy giallo Giallo In Venice Movie Trailer Reviews and More TV Guide Watch Giallo In Venice movie trailer and get the latest cast info photos movie review and more on TVGuide
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