Dr. Carruthers feels bitter at being betrayed by his employers, Heath and Morton, when they became rich as a result of a product he devised. He gains revenge by electrically enlarging bats and sending them out to kill his employers' family members by instilling in the bats a hatred for a particular perfume he has discovered, which he gets his victims to apply before going outdoors. Johnny Layton, a reporter, finally figures out Carruthers is the killer and, after putting the perfume on himself, douses it on Carruthers in the hopes it will get him to give himself away. One of the two is attacked as the giant bat makes one of its screaming, swooping power dives.
Amazon Watch The Devil Bat 1940 Prime Video The Devil Bat 1940 because I own all of the classic monster movies such as Frankenstein Dracula The Wolfman The Invisible Man The streaming ones in HD are of merlot if youre not of age get a glass of black grape juice and a snack tray of cheese and crackers and enjoy the movie Devil Bat But you have to have a love for the silver Amazon Watch The Devil Bat Prime Video THE DEVIL BAT stars Bela Lugosi as Dr Carruthers an inventor who has developed a new fantastic smelling aftershave lotion Unfortunately for his target audience hes also been electrically enlarging a monster bat in his secret lab This creature is huge w a sixfoot wingspan The Devil Bat 1940 IMDb Directed by Jean Yarbrough With Bela Lugosi Suzanne Kaaren Dave OBrien Guy Usher A mad scientist develops an aftershave lotion that causes his gigantic bats to kill anyone who wears it
The Devil Bat Streaming Online FlixFling Dr Carruthers feels bitter at being betrayed by his employers Heath and Morton when they became rich as a result of a product he devised He gains revenge by electrically enlarging bats and sending them out to kill his employers family members by instilling in the bats a hatred for a particular perfume he has discovered which he gets his victims to apply before going outdoors Johnny The Devil Bat 1940 The Movie Database TMDb Now Streaming Watch Now The Devil Bat 1940 12131940 US Horror Science Fiction 1h 8m User Score Play The Devil Bat is directed by Jean Yarbrough and written by George Bricker and John T Neville It stars Bela Lugosi Suzanne Kaaren Dave OBrien The Devil Bat 1940 Free Download Borrow and The Devil Bat 1940 Movies Preview The Devil Bat 1940 Topics Genres Monster Horror SciFi Comedy Crime Action Mad Scientist The Devil Bat Addeddate 20180824 152512 Color color Identifier TheDevilBat1940_201808 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 163 Sound The Devil Bat 1940 Free Download Borrow and The Devil Bat 1940 Movies Preview The Devil Bat 1940 Usage Public Domain Mark 10 Topics The Devil Bat 1940 The Devil Bat 1940 Addeddate 20141009 084821 Identifier TheDevilBat1940 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 152 pluscircle Add Review comment
The Devil Bat 1940 The story involves a small town cosmetic company chemist Lugosi who is upset at his wealthy employers because he feels they have denied him his due share of company success To get revenge he The Devil Bat 1940 iCheckMovies The Devil Bat 1940 Activity We didnt record any activity between now and 1 week ago See more activity The Devil Bat 1940 BELA LUGOSI The Devil Bat 1940 BELA LUGOSI PizzaFlix Loading Devils Partner 11259 The Wasp Woman 1959 Roger Corman Horror SciFi Full Length Movie Duration 11258 Cult Cinema Classics Watch Devil Bats Daughter 1946 Movie Online Full Movie Devil Bats Daughter is a 1946 American horror film It stars Rosemary La Planche who was crowned Miss America 1941 It was a sequel to The Devil Bat 1940
The Devil Bat Film 1940 Moviepilot Die besten StreamingTipps gibts im MoviepilotPodcast Streamgestöber The Devil Bat ist ein Horrorfilm aus dem Jahr 1940 von Jean Yarbrough mit Bela Lugosi Suzanne Kaaren und Dave OBrien The Devil Bat 1940 Rotten Tomatoes Movie Trailers A village chemist Bela Lugosi is training a group of oversized bats to get revenge on his business partners Also known as Killer Bats the film earned a sequel five years later Devil Bats The Devil Bat 1940 Edward D Wood Jean Yarbrough Find trailers reviews synopsis awards and cast information for The Devil Bat 1940 Edward D Wood Jean Yarbrough on AllMovie This campy entertaining cheapie from PRC The Devil Bat Wikipedia The Devil Bat is a 1940 blackandwhite American horror film produced by Producers Releasing Corporation PRC and directed by Jean Yarborough The film stars Bela Lugosi along with Suzanne Kaaren Guy Usher Yolande Mallott and the comic team of Dave OBrien and Donald Kerr as the protagonists It was the first horror film from PRC Although described as a sequel PRCs 1946 film Devil Bats