Early one summer morning a young man, with a secret stashed away in a duffel bag, emerges from the forest. In a nearby village he asks around for work, but the farmers, suspicious to the point of hostility, are not very forthcoming. Only when Lucy, the mayor’s unruly daughter, takes a liking to him, does the village change its attitude: he is promptly offered a job as a farmhand and a caravan to live in. As time passes and he is gradually integrated into the community, it emerges that he’s not the only one with a past to hide. Something sinister is lurking under the immaculate surface of this picturesque little world - and it is slowly drawing him in.
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Gutland 2018 Movie Moviefone Gutland 2018 A surreal village noir TMDb Score 69 Not Yet Rated 1 hr 47 min Jan 5th 2018 Mystery Thriller Drama Early one summer morning a young man with a secret stashed away in a Amazon Watch Gutland Prime Video Watch for 000 with Prime Watch with Prime Start your 30day free trial Rent HD 299 Buy HD 999 More purchase options Add to Watchlist By ordering or viewing you agree to our Terms Sold by Amazon Services LLC Share Feedback Get Help Customers who watched this item also watched Discover similar videos NEW Prime Video Explorer Quickly browse titles in our catalog based on Gutland 2018 DOWNLOAD FULL HD YouTube Watch Gutland Full Movie IN HD Visit httponlinehdmoviesclubmovie434362 Early one summer morning a young man with a secret stashed away in a duffel Gutland Film 2017 Moviepilot Gutland ist ein Thriller aus dem Jahr 2017 von Govinda Van Maele mit Frederick Lau Vicky Krieps und Marco Lorenzini Im Drama Gutland sucht Frederick Lau als Erntehelfer Arbeit in Luxemburg
Gutland Film 2017 Trailer Kritik KINO Gutland Kinostart 03052018 Dauer 107 Min Genre Drama FSK ab 16 Produktionsland Belgien Deutschland Luxemburg Filmverleih Déjà vu Gutland im Stream weitere Anbieter und mehr Informationen Watch Gutland 2018 GO WATCH HD Watch Gutland 2018 Early one summer morning a young man with a secret stashed away in a duffel bag emerges from the forest In a nearby village he asks around for work but the farmers suspicious to the point of hostility are not very forthcoming Only when Lucy the mayors unruly daughter takes a liking to him does the village change its attitude he is promptly offered a job as Gutland 2018 HD Stream StreamKistetv Share Movie HD Streams Übersicht Wähle eine Sprache amp Qualität Nowax 19072020 Gutland HD Stream 720p HD Stream 480p Stream Direct Download 100 MBits Mirror 1 25112018 Gutland2017GermanAC3WEBRiPx264SHOWE Vivo JetLoad streamZ NxLoad Summary amp Details Jens Frederick Lau ein deutscher Dieb und Herumtreiber verschlägt es in die von Landwirtschaft Gutland realeyz Indie Film Network In Govinda van Maeles Spielfilmdebüt GUTLAND das für den MaxOphülsPreis nominiert war flüchtet der Deutsche Jens Frederick Lau nach einem bewaffneten Überfall in das kleine luxemburgische Dorf Schandelsmillen und fragt nach Arbeit Doch zunächst wird er nicht freundlich dort aufgenommen Als er Lucy trifft die Tochter des Bürgermeisters und mit ihr eine Nacht verbringt ändert
Watch Gutland 2018 GO WATCH HD Gutland 2018 Full Movie HD 000000 014700 HD Watch Now Download Download Watch Now Watch Trailer 69 10 by 11 users Watch Trailer Watch Gutland 2018 Early one summer morning a young man with a secret stashed away in a duffel bag emerges from the forest In a nearby village he asks around for work but the farmers suspicious to the point of hostility are not very Gutland 2018 ver online pelicula completa CLIVER TV Pelicula HD Legal Gutland 2018 Ver espana HD online stream Gutland comienza con la llegada de un forastero a la comunidad agrícola de Schandelsmillen La temporada de cosecha está ya avanzada pero Jens un vagabundo alemán está buscando trabajo Allí es tomado por granjero y pronto seducido por Lucy una madre soltera que le recoge en la cervecería del pueblo para llevarlo Gutland FULL MOVIE 2018 YouTube Watch Gutland Full Movie IN HD Visit httpwatchmoviezxyzmovie434362 Early one summer morning a young man with a secret stashed away in a duffel bag Gutland Film 2017 FILMSTARTS Gutland ein Film von Govinda Van Maele mit Frederick Lau Vicky Krieps Inhaltsangabe Nachdem Jens Frederick Lau in Deutschland an einem bewaffneten Überfall beteiligt war flüchtet er in das