On 26 September 1928, Karel Capek and President T.G. Masaryk meet in the gardens of Topolcianky castle to decide about the fate of their joint literary work. Their fiction film dialogue is based on quotes from a future book and their mutual correspondence, considerably freeing the original format of literary conversation from binding conventions. Capek and Masaryk reproach and offend each other, but they also ask key personal questions and questions about the social functions of a writer and politician respectively. "It's a film about two extraordinary men; it's about the fact that emotions can be sometimes more powerful than ideas even in such exceptional people.
Watch Talks with TGM 2018 Full Movie Streaming Feb 12 2019 This Pin was discovered by Mrs Abriel Discover and save your own Pins on Pinterest Is Talks with TGM 2018 movie streaming on Netflix Talks with TGM In 1928 Movies based on real life Political Dramas Streaming in Disclosure The above links to the VPN sites are affiliate links I get compensated if you decide to subscribe to the service through these links Proudly powered by WordPress Hovory s TGM 2018 IMDb Directed by Jakub Cervenka With Jan Budar Martin Huba On 26 September 1928 Karel Capek and President TG Masaryk meet in the gardens of Topolcianky castle to decide about the fate of their joint literary work Their fiction film dialogue is based on quotes from a future book and their mutual correspondence considerably freeing the original format of literary conversation from binding
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Hovory s TGM Talks with TGM 2018 Nafilmy Movies Awards News Quotes Lists Charts Movie Series Pandemic movies Hovory s TGM 2018 Talks with TGM Please login first Add film mezi své oblíbené můžete až po příhlášení Log in Sign in Hovory s TGM 2018 HD trailer Watch Queue Queue Watch Queue Queue Remove all Disconnect The next Watch Queue Queue __count____total__ Find out why Close Hovory s TGM 2018 HD trailer Totalfilmcz Loading Talks with TGM 2018 Changes The Movie Database TMDb On 26 September 1928 Karel Capek and President TG Masaryk meet in the gardens of Topolcianky castle to decide about the fate of their joint literary work Their fiction film dialogue is based on quotes from a future book and their mutual correspondence considerably freeing the original format of literary conversation from binding conventions Talks with TGM 2018 MUBI Watch and Discover Movies Talks with TGM on mubi Find trailers reviews and all info for Talks with TGM by Jakub Červenka
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