Cole Armin comes to Albuquerque to work for his uncle, John Armin, a despotic and hard-hearted czar who operates an ore-hauling freight line, and whose goal is to eliminate a competing line run by Ted Wallace and his sister Celia. Cole tires of his uncle's heavy-handed tactics and switches over to the Wallace side. Lety Tyler, an agent hired by the uncle, also switches over by warning Cole and Ted of a trap set for them by the uncle and his henchman.
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Albuquerque 1948 Rotten Tomatoes Movie Trailers Randolph Scott puts in time with Paramounts PineThomas unit in the bigbudget western Albuquerque Scott is cast as Cole Armin the nephew of tyrannical town boss John Armin George Cleveland Albuquerque Online 1948 Movie Yidio Watch Albuquerque Online Albuquerque the 1948 Movie Trailers Videos and more at Yidio Albuquerque film Wikipedia Albuquerque is a 1948 American Cinecolor Western film directed by Ray Enright and starring Randolph Scott Barbara Britton George Gabby Hayes and Lon Chaney Jr Based on the novel Dead Freight for Piute by Luke Short with a screenplay by Gene Lewis and Clarence Upson Young the film is about a man who is recruited by his corrupt uncle to inherit his freighthauling empire in the MoviesJoy Free movies streaming watch movies online Watch HD Movies online and Stream latest tvseries Over 200000 videos to stream in HD with English and Spanish subtitle Join MoviesJoy today to begin watching movies online
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Albuquerque 1948 Movie Moviefone Cole Armin comes to Albuquerque to work for his uncle John Armin a despotic and hardhearted czar who operates an orehauling freight line and whose goal is to eliminate a competing line run by Albuquerque 1948 Film Completo Albuquerque 1948 A 701 PM 701 PM Albuquerque 1948 IMDb Directed by Ray Enright With Randolph Scott Barbara Britton George Gabby Hayes Lon Chaney Jr Cole Armin recruited by his corrupt uncle as heir apparent to his freighthauling empire defects to his honest rival Albuquerque 1948 Randolph Scott Western Movies Full Length Albuquerque 1948 Randolph Scott Western Movies Full Ride Clear of Diablo Western 1954 Audie Murphy Dan Duryea Susan Cabot Free Full Movie Duration Sign in to add this to Watch Later