Samurai is directed by then debutante, Balaji Sakthivel and produced by S Dhanu under the Alayam Banner. The film starred Vikram, Anita, Jayaseel and Sriya Reddy in the lead roles.Vikram, a medico, leads a gang of four to abduct corrupt politicians and bureaucrats who use the loophole in law to enjoy their prison term in hospitals or guest houses.Anitha, a school girl and daughter of Nassar, a police officer on the trail of the mysterious gang, has a crush on Vikram. She is not aware of his real identity.
Samurai 2002 Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Samurai 2002 Stream and Watch Online A school teacher disguises himself as a samurai to teach the corrupt people a lesson see full movie info Watch Online Powered by JustWatch Yearning to Blood of the Samurai 2002 Stream and Watch Online Released November 15th 2002 Blood of the Samurai stars MichaelNg BryanYamasaki ShawnForsythe ColleenFujioka The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 15 min and received a score of out of 100 Watch Sakura Petals The Samurai 2002 GO WATCH HD Watch Sakura Petals The Samurai 2002 In Sakura Petals The Samurai we leave to the South and we stop in Kurashiki one of the few cities in Japan that was not bombed during the WW2 preserving its original architecture Further we visit Okayama with its reconstructed Crow Castle and the beautiful garden one of the top three gardens in Japan We go later to Nagasaki and visit the
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