Andrzej and Grzegorz are students of Warsaw Conservatory and preparing for the International Piano Competition. Eva - a beautiful Grzegorz's girlfriend is seriously ill, the doctors suspect she has brain cancer. Even for the sake of health and life of his beloved Grzegorz disagrees to miss even a single day of preparation for the contest. Andrzej has a girlfriend Zosia (the daughter of a professor of music), but the young pianist falls in love with Grzegorz's girlfriend and takes care of the sick Eve.
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Opisy Con amore 1976 Filmweb Opisy filmu Con amore 1976 Dwaj pianiści Grzegorz i Andrzej rywalizują o uczucie pięknej studentki Ewy SUBMISSION Salvatore Samperi 1976 NSFW on Vimeo SUBMISSION aka Scandalo Dir Salvatore Samperi 1976 Italy 102 min In Italian with English subtitles MONDAY FEBRUARY 1 1000 PM SATURDAY FEBRUARY Con amore 1976 IMDb Con amore 1976 97 min Drama Romance Know what this is about Be the first to add the plot Added to Watchlist Add to Watchlist 6210 41 Rate View production box office amp company info Photos Add Image See all photos Get More From IMDb For an enhanced browsing experience get the IMDb app on your smartphone or tablet Get the IMDb app Cast amp Crew Top Billed Cast Malgorzata Con amore 1976 Release Info IMDb Con amore 1976 Release Info Showing all 4 items Jump to Release Dates 2 Also Known As AKA 2 Release Dates Poland 24 May 1976 Hungary 6 July 1978
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Libera Amore Mio Film Completo Libera amore mio 1975 Regia Mauro Bolognini Fu girato nel 1973 ma venne distribuito soltanto due anni dopo nel 1975 per problemi di censura Il film racconta la storia di una giovane Con Amore 1 1976 video dailymotion Watch fullscreen 2 years ago 232 views Con Amore 1 1976 Miasto Follow 2 years ago 232 views Report Browse more videos Playing next 544 Primo AmoreZero In Amore Elisabetta Virgili 1976 Facciate2 videodiscochannel 717 Chrisma single Amore 1976 Michael666u7 751 AMORE NEI RICORDIMARE NOSTRUM La Bottega dellArte Maggio 1976 Facciate2 videodiscochannel 405 tinyccfp888 Con amore 1976 Con amore 1976 Ewa jest dziewczyną pianisty Grzegorza który w całości pochłonięty jest przygotowaniami do występu w konkursie chopinowskim O względy Ewy stara się też Andrzej przyjaciel Grzegorza także pianista liczący na sukces w tym samym konkursie Trójkąt miłosny zostaje poddany próbie gdy Andrzej dowiaduje się że Ewa jest ciężko chora JustWatch All your streaming services in one app