The real-life story of Charles Whitman's deadly shooting spree at the University of Texas is retold. In August 1966, after killing his wife and mother, Whitman climbed to the top of the school's tower and opened fire on passers-by, killing 13 and wounding many others.
The Deadly Tower 1975 Rotten Tomatoes Movie Trailers This gripping madefor television drama focuses on the true story of University of Texas student Charles Joseph Whitman who climbed to the top of the schools tower and opened fire on passersby The Deadly Tower Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Released October 18th 1975 The Deadly Tower stars Kurt Russell Ned Beatty Richard Yniguez Pernell Roberts The PG movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 40 min and received a score of out of The Deadly Tower 1975 Review Mana Pop It must have really caught some people off guard back in 1975 when they went out to see Disneys The Worlds Strongest Man where Kurt Russell played the charismatic college goofball Dexter Riley and then upon arriving home turned on NBCs movie of the week to see Russell playing the crazed sniper who took the lives 15 people wounding 31 others during his rampage in The Deadly Tower
The Deadly Tower 1975 Film Vostfr The Deadly Tower 1975 A 1022 PM 1022 PM The Deadly Tower on iTunes Watch trailers read customer and critic reviews and buy The Deadly Tower directed by Jerry Jameson The Deadly Tower 1975 Movieo The Deadly Tower Action Drama Thriller 1975 Add to Watchlist Add to Seenlist Add to Blacklist Add to or remove from a custom list 0 Comments 67 NA NA The reallife story of Charles Whitmans deadly shooting spree at the University of Texas is retold In August 1966 after killing his wife and mother Whitman climbed to the top of the schools tower and opened fire on passersby The Deadly Tower 1975 directed by Jerry Jameson Where to watch JustWatch The Deadly Tower 1975 Directed by Jerry Jameson Synopsis The reallife story of Charles Whitmans deadly shooting spree at the University of Texas is retold In August 1966 after killing his wife and mother Whitman climbed to the top of the schools tower and opened fire on passersby killing 13 and wounding many others Cast Crew Details Genres Cast Kurt
The Deadly Tower 1975 Jerry Jameson Related AllMovie Find similar and related movies for The Deadly Tower 1975 Jerry Jameson on AllMovie The Deadly Tower 1975 Jerry Jameson Review AllMovie This retitled TV movie originally known as The Deadly Tower is a real whiteknuckle affair The script avoids gratuitous melodrama in favor of a justthefacts docudrama style Its a smart choice because it makes the horror of Charles Whitmans rampage all the more effective thanks via its matteroffact approach Its also worth noting that the script weaves in an effective subtle gun The Deadly Tower FULL MOVIE 1975 YouTube Watch The Deadly Tower Full Movie IN HD Visit httpgethdmoviesclubmovie83723 The reallife story of Charles Whitmans deadly shooting spree at the U The Deadly Tower 1975 Where to Watch Online Official The Deadly Tower 1975 is a sniper action drama movie starring Kurt Russell and Ned Beatty It is directed by Jerry Jameson The reallife story of Charles Whitmans deadly
The Deadly Tower 1975 Movie Moviefone Charles Whitman Kurt Russell shoots passersby from a Texas tower on Aug 4 1966 killing 13 and wounding 33 love and death 1975 part 1 video dailymotion Watch fullscreen 7 years ago 117K views love and death 1975 part 1 Ashkan Ghassemi Follow 7 years ago 117K views in czarist Russia a neurotic soldier and his distant cousin formulate a plot to assassinate Napoleon Report Browse more videos Playing next 3843 love and death 1975 part 2 Ashkan Ghassemi 308 Queen Death On Two Legs Death Fairy Tales 1975 2018 The Deadly Tower 1975 Full Movie streaming DOWNLOAD Click Here httpscinemamv21xyz The Deadly Tower 1975 Full Movie streaming DOWNLOAD Related search Henry Iv 1995 Full Movie streaming DOWNLOAD I The Deadly Tower TV Movie 1975 IMDb Directed by Jerry Jameson With Kurt Russell Richard Yniguez Ned Beatty Pernell Roberts The infamous story of Charles Whitman Americas favourite sniper in Stephen Kings words is told here once again