An atheist philosophy club at a college harasses a Christian, Scott, who claims to have inside knowledge of when the world will end. To vindicate himself and "defeat" the athiests, he prepares a presentation based on a bible study he finds in the library. Although initially confident, Scott begins to have doubts due to the theoretical nature of the study. Meanwhile, his buddy Matt (who is having prophetic dreams of his own) is frustrated because he feels Scott is uprepared for the presentation and that the responsibility will fall on him to bail his friend out.
End of the Harvest Trailer httpswwwchristianmoviesendoftheharvestdvd In this hard hitting inspiring prophecy drama a college student David White discovers the shocking GoStream Watch Online Movies Free 123Movies GoMovies GoStream watch movies online free GoStream is the best place for watching movies online free GoStream has huge collection of free movies and tv shows You can find most movies and television shows on GoStream GoStream Allows You To Watch Movies Online Free and TV Shows in HD for free without any registration at Gomovies and 123movies End of the Harvest 1995 Filmweb End of the Harvest 1995 informacje o filmie w bazie Filmwebpl Oceny recenzje obsada dyskusje wiadomości zwiastuny ciekawostki oraz galeria
End of the Harvest Christian Movies On Demand A powerful evangelistic film with a surprise ending Guaranteed youll watch this more than once and want to hand this out to your friends A strong witnessing tool Featuring David White Brad Heller Lance Zitron Blanche Tosh and Kevin Downes See Less Producer Rich Christiano Director Rich Christiano End of the Harvest Buy Digital SD 699 Rent Digital SD 299 Watch Trailer 53 Go123Movies Watch Movies Online Free Go123Movies A large streaming network and most trustful website on the web to watch best 123 movies and TVShows of all time without any registration End Of The Harvest Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Released August 5th 1995 End Of The Harvest stars David AR White The movie has a runtime of about 53 min and received a score of out of 100 on Metacritic which collated reviews from top Amazon Watch End of the Harvest Prime Video I liked End of the Harvest very much and I would definitely recommend this movie for Christians It might also be a great witnessing tool for someone who thinks they know all the answers or for someone who is smug with a pat answer or putdown for Christianity In regard to what the movie is about I wouldnt say much more than what is written on the back of the DVD case because to say
End Of The Harvest 1995 The Movie Database TMDb Watch Now End Of The Harvest 1995 08051995 US 53m User Score Overview An atheist philosophy club at a college harasses a Christian Scott who claims to have inside knowledge of when the world will end To vindicate himself and defeat the athiests he prepares a presentation based on a bible study he finds in the library Although initially confident Scott begins to have doubts due Phenomenon full movie Song Come See About Me Artist The Supremes Writers Edward Holland Lamont Dozier Holland E Licensed to YouTube by UMG on behalf of Motown UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA UBEM EMI END OF THE HARVEST video dailymotion Watch fullscreen 5 years ago 36K views END OF THE HARVEST Christian Faith Follow 5 years ago 36K views Rich Christianos excellent short film presenting the 7000 year world theory A mustsee for Christians Report Browse more videos Playing next 021 Serge Beynaud et Sa Femme In Love INSTAVIDEO 331 Female Wrestler beats up TV host WrestleTalk 104 Alberto Garzón End of the Harvest 1998 IMDb Directed by Rich Christiano With David AR White Brad Heller Lance Zitron Kevin Downes An atheist philosophy club at a college harasses a Christian Scott who claims to have inside knowledge of when the world will end To vindicate himself and defeat the athiests he prepares a presentation based on a bible study he finds in the library
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